St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy

Welcome to St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy


We are an academy in the family of the Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust.

You can find out more about the Trust including financial information and Trust wide policies by following this link. 

BPS Trust Head Office: Hub26, Lawrence House, Riverside Drive, Cleckheaton, BD19 4DH

Tel: 01274 752096

Chair of the Blessed Peter Snow Trust is Mrs Antonia Dorsey

Contact details: 


Company Number: 09068195


Vacancies at St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy


Please click the link for information about any vacancies we have in school



Our Headteacher Welcome

May I offer a very warm welcome to St. Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy, Birstall.

Our school, founded in 1877, has a proud tradition of serving the community of Birstall and surrounding areas with many families sending several generations of children to be nurtured and supported by us. In January 2022, we joined the family of schools within the Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Multi-Academy Trust, part of the Diocese of Leeds. 

We believe our school to be a distinctive, inspiring and special place, where children, parents, staff, governors and our wider community including our family of Trust schools, work in partnership to enable our pupils to achieve their potential; academically, emotionally, socially and spiritually, whilst growing in their relationship with God and knowing that we are all unique and special. We recognise that an essential role we have here at St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy is the teaching of the Catholic faith and we do this by placing Christ at the centre of everything we do. 

The safeguarding of all our children is paramount and we work hard to ensure that we know our children and their families well. We have robust safeguarding procedures in place and myself, my Deputy and our SENDCO are the Designated Leads for Safeguarding.

Through working closely with our parents and carers we endeavour to ensure, that both you and your child have a very happy and memorable time throughout our journey together. We want all our children to find school life exciting, challenging and enjoyable whilst feeling safe, secure and valued. 

We are very proud of all our children - the progress they make and all that they achieve under the guidance and care of our wonderful staff team.

If you are interested in finding out more about our school and why it is such a special place please do not hesitate to contact the office to make an appointment to come for a visit.


Mrs Clare Moulding



Any queries? Any questions?

Contact Mrs Scholes or Mrs Denville, our Office Team,  who will be very happy to help!

Tel:   01924 423220

If you would like a paper copy of a document please let us know. 

Our Postal Address is:     Nova Lane, Birstall, WF17 9LQ Email:


Mrs Moulding, our Headteacher, can be contacted on 01924 423220 or by email:

and Miss Wolanski our SENDCo can be contacted via the school office on 01924 423220 or by email:

We operate a cashless system in the office where all payments are made through Parent Pay. Please contact the office team for support with setting up a Parent Pay account to make any payments for school dinners, trips etc.



Our School

Catholic Life

Our Pupils

Our Parents


Our Policies


Upcoming Events:

Latest School Newsletters

Latest Newsletters

  • 27 Mar 2025
    Latest Newsletter for Parents / Carers

    Good afternoon,
    Please find attached the latest newsletter.

    Kind regards
    Clare Moulding

  • 24 Mar 2025
    Our virtue focus of REFLECTION

    Good morning,
    Please find attached the parent overview of the new virtue focus of Reflection. I hope you find this information useful in working together to ensure our pupils can be the very best versions of themselves - following the example given to us by Jesus.
    Kind regards
    Clare Moulding

  • 24 Mar 2025
    Celebration of the Word Mission for Parents

    Good morning Parents/Carers,
    Following our Celebration of the Word (worship) this morning, please find attached a "Mission file" to support parents having an understanding of what we are focusing on in the Catholic Life of school this week and what "Mission" the pupils have been given. We have been thinking about the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree and linking this with God's special love for each of us, that God never gives up hope that we will make good choices and strive to be the very best version of ourselves all the time.
    Kind regards
    Clare Moulding