Our Sports Leaders
Many of our Year 5 children have taken part in their Sports Leader Training. This is a role which brings great responsibility and enjoyment. Our Sports Leaders ensure that playground games and activities are set up at lunchtimes and that all children are playing co-operatively. They lead games and look after the outdoor equipment. The children play an invaluable role in encouraging others to try new games and sports and to feel that they belong in our school family.
Sports leaders develop essential skills for life such as:
- Communication skills
- Valuable team working skills
- Ability to lead others
- Greater understanding of responsibility
- To be innovative and creative
- Respect for others
Children who participate in the games benefit from improvements in:
- Fitness
- Agility
- Moral
- Emotional wellbeing
- Confidence and self esteem
- Social skills, e.g. turn-taking, supporting others, encouragement