Our EYFS Curriculum Intent
At St Patrick’s Catholic Primary Academy our Early Years vision is to provide the best start to school life, enabling children to become happy, enthusiastic, resilient, and confident lifelong learners illuminated in the light of Christ.
Our Early Years Curriculum aims to provide a secure foundation for future learning where children gain the knowledge, skills and understanding they require for success. Children develop positive learning behaviours through the Characteristics of Teaching and Learning
– Play and Exploration, Active Learning and Creative and Critical Thinking.
Our Curriculum has a strong emphasis upon personal social and emotional development and communication and language, supporting children’s development by helping them to interact effectively and developing positive attitudes towards themselves and others. We believe that ‘talk’ is central to the learning process. Our enabling environment and highly skilled practitioners facilitate talk and sign, helping children to articulate their ideas and emotions and develop an understanding of other peoples' point of view. The use of Makaton has a significant impact upon our children with SEND and supports our inclusive environment.
Story time is an exciting, magical time and we prioritise this daily. Through our reading time we immerse our children in a wide repertoire of stories, books and rhymes as we know this is where children acquire new vocabulary, language patterns and understanding. Above all we aim to instil within our children a love of story and a love of reading – opening the door to new adventures and a world of imagination.
Our holistic curriculum maximises opportunities for meaningful cross-curricular links and learning experiences as well as promoting the unique child by offering extended periods of play and sustained thinking following children’s interests and ideas. We value imagination and creativity and seek to create a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning through a vibrant continuous indoor and outdoor provision and weekly forest school sessions.
Our Christian values shape how we behave, what we say, how we build relationships and how we learn.
They are incorporated into every aspect of life at St. Patrick’s.
Every child is recognised as a unique individual.
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