Learning about the Mass through Pre-Eucharistic Liturgies
Pre-Eucharistic Liturgies (PEL) at St Patrick's:
'The liturgy is the summit towards which the activity of the Church is directed; it is also the fount from which all her power flows'.(Vatican Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy para 10)
As Catholics we recognise the Mass as central in our living and believing, as the heart of the matter for us and for our children, through which 'Christ, our redeemer and high priest, continues the work of our redemption in, with and through his Church'. (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1069)
We know all too well the challenge of opening children’s minds and hearts to the depth and mystery of the Mass. The children's thinking is still far from being able to cope with abstract thought or with symbolism or with sacramental presence.
The keys which we offer them, to help them to 'enter into', to become involved in the Mass, the central activity of the Church, means it must be of the simplest form, very closely tied to experience so that they can understand.
What are Pre-Eucharistic Liturgies (PEL)?
They are simple times of liturgy where we explore and become involved in the Mass with the youngest pupils in school. Sadly, not all of our young pupils arrive in our Catholic schools with experience of Church, of celebrating Mass together as a family, with the Parish Priest on a Sunday or special feast day.
The aim of these special little liturgies is that they offer a simple “key or alternative” for schools to Class Masses for the youngest pupils in EYFS and KS1. Each celebration has it’s own focus – one aspect of the Mass, one part of the things we see or hear so that they can be talked about and explained in a special way, liturgical way.
A special programme of FORMATION for pupils, which is a time of prayer and opening of their minds and hearts, We are preparing them to participate more fully in the Mass.
How are they planned?
They are short liturgies intended to be used with the youngest pupils (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) – building their knowledge, understanding and experience of the different parts of the Mass, in a child-friendly, prayerful and active way. St Patrick’s use them as a way of gathering together, spending time in prayer as a school family and focusing on the meaning of different parts of the Mass. Preparing them to begin leading Class Masses once they reach KS2.
They take place every other week, lasting 10-15 minutes and always include opportunities for pupils to ask and answer questions… led by the pupils with the support and encouragement of the teacher (age and time of year dependent). They are planned by the teacher to include ‘a special gathering, refection, prayer, song, mission’.
There are 20 liturgies to use across the year that have the basic plan, which then needs adapting, enhancing and personalising to our pupils. At St Patrick’s we try to link in aspects of My Happy Mind, our virtue focus or Catholic Social Teaching focus – but this is where they link not forced.