St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy



Senior Leadership Team:

Mrs C Moulding


Miss E Gott


Teaching Staff:


Key Stage 2:


Mrs K Walker (part of the Leadership team)


Mrs F Abbott 


Miss H Mackinney


Miss E Gott (see above)



 Key Stage 1:

Miss C Wolanski (part of the Leadership team)



Miss F Jeffels




EYFS Unit: 

Mrs R Cheetham (part of the leadership team)



Mrs M Chandler



 PPA/Leadership Cover Teacher (KS1/2)

Mrs J Hasioszyn


Mrs M McWalters





Support Staff:

Mrs D Tinti

Mrs M Cowban

Mrs A Redick

Mrs K Greenwood

Mrs E Barber

Mrs L Dyson

Mrs J Davies

Mrs G Parry

Mrs EJ Fenton

Miss F Brant


Mrs Godbold

Mrs M Manners

Mrs A Scholes

Mrs C Denville

Mr K Parry


Headteacher / Catholic Life Lead / Designated Safeguarding Lead / Designated Teacher for LAC / Senior Mental Health Lead

Deputy Headteacher/ Class 3EG teacher/ Whole School Curriculum Leader / Mathematics Leader / Computing Coordinator and Digital Leaders lead




Year 6KW teacher/ English Coordinator / Student Mentor with TLR responsibilities for Pupil Learning and Progress / Mental Health and Wellbeing Team

Year 5FA teacher / Geography Co-ordinator/ PE and Sports Coordinator 

Year 4HM teacher/ RE Curriculum Coordinator /MFL Coordinator / Mini Vinnies lead / Mental Health and Wellbeing Team 




Year 1-2CW teacher / SENDCO/ RHE and PSHE Coordinator / Mental Health and Wellbeing Champion and Team Leader / Smile Squad lead


Year 1-2FJ teacher / Science Co-ordinator / Art and Design Coordinator /  School Council lead




EYFS teacher (Reception pupil provision lead) and EYFS Leader with TLR responsibilities / Phonics and Early Reading Leader


Early Years teacher (Nursery pupil provision lead) /History Co-Coordinator/ Forest School Lead



Part-time PPA and Leadership cover teacher / Music Co-ordinator 


Part-time Leadership cover teacher / Design and Technology Co-Coordinator






Part-time E.T.A. (0.8) /Lunchtime supervisor





1-1 ETA


1-1 ETA



part-time flexible contract ETA (0.2)

Lunchtime supervisor

School Senior Bursar/Business Manager

School Administrator
