St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy


Mini Vinnies


We turn concern into action – We are inspired by Christ’s message to love our neighbour as ourselves.

Our Mission is to live out the Catholic Social Teaching - to seek and find those in need, to help them in a spirit of justice and to tackle the causes of poverty where we can.

The Mini Vinnies play a vital role in the Catholic Life and SMSC life of St. Patrick's, putting what we learn through the Catholic Social Teaching and Virtue Education into practice and are supported by Miss H Mackinney, the Mini Vinnie Co-ordinator.

 Pupils have the opportunity to serve the school as part of the ‘Mini Vinnies’, learning about Saint Vincent de Paul the Class Saint in Year 4 and choosing to be part of the Mini-Vinnies once they reach Year 5. 

The Mini Vinnie Pledge

As a member of Mini Vinnies, I promise to make a difference to my world by:

Caring for, respecting and loving myself

Strengthening my friendship with Jesus by talking to him each day and talking to
others about him

Caring for others in my school and community by being a friend to those who are alone,
in need or in trouble

Making my family happy by my help, respect and showing kindness and consideration

Caring for and enjoying God’s world

Treating others, the way I would like them to treat me
The Mini Vinnie Prayer

Lord, thank you for our gifts and talents.

Lord, show us who needs our help.

Lord, use our hands to help those who are hungry.

Lord, open our hearts to love and comfort those who are sad and lonely.

Lord, let us share our time, gifts and talents with those in need.

Lord, help us to care for the sick.

Lord, may we all help and support each

other as Mini Vinnies to build a better world.  Amen

The Mini Vinnie Song


Our Commissioning Ceremony

Our 2024/2025 Mini Vinnies were comissioned in the Autumn term by Father Earmonn.

Pop into Pats 

Some of our Mini Vinnies attended the “Pop into Pat’s” lunch event on Monday 25th November to further enhance the links between school and the parish. They spoke to the people from the parish who had attended the event – telling them about life at school, what they are enjoying at the moment and what they are looking forward to.
We will be continuing to link with the “Pop into Pat’s” parish group each half term with a visit from different mini vinnies. It was a wonderful event and both the pupils from school and the parishioners enjoyed the social time together.

The Good Shepherd Appeal 




Our Mini Vinnies have led on the “Christmas Shoebox” appeal this year – collecting wrapped shoe boxes with gifts in for someone in need. We are very proud to share that we have collected 50 shoe boxes across the appeal this year, which will help the most vulnerable over the Christmas period.

Batley Food Bank Appeal


As part of our Lenten fundraising, the Mini Vinnies are collecting tins and dried food items. We asked each child to bring in a food item on Friday 21st March so that it could be donated to the Batley Food Bank to support our local community. For more information on how you can donate please look at their website:


Batley Food Bank Appeal

Virtues to live by...

The Mini Vinnies have had an important role in the development of our character education here at school, the implementation of "virtues to live by"  - understanding how to be the very best versions of ourselves through how we behave.

We used the life of Saint Patrick as an inspiration for the main virtues and then thought about which other virtues we felt are in the same family. Below you will see a new piece off artwork that we have in our hall to inspire us to act like Saint Patrick and be the very best version of ourselves.


Helping the community during the Coronavirus pandemic

During the lockdown and school closure our pupils have been writing letters to the residents of the local residential home in Birstall. They were emailed to our Headteacher and sent to the home on a Friday morning. We hoped that by sending the residents a letter every Friday
we would bring a smile to their faces and show them that we are all thinking about them. We recognise that it must be hard to not have your family around you.

We hope that this small action will have brought about some smiles at coffee time!

Cards for the Sick of the Parish

We made 'Thinking of you Cards' and sent them to the sick of the Parish, to make them aware that they are in the thoughts and prayers of the school.

The Development of a New School Motto

We had an important role in deciding our child-friendly school motto, which we launched in January 2018.