St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy

Celebrating Mass at St Patrick's


Celebrating Mass should be central to life in a Catholic school because it forms the heart of the community’s faith and nurtures the spiritual growth of pupils and staff alike.



The Mass is a moment of encounter with God, where pupils and staff can come together to pray, reflect, and receive the Eucharist, deepening their relationship with Christ. By making Mass a central part of school life, it provides a consistent reminder of the values of love, service, and holiness that underpin Catholic education. It also helps pupils develop a sense of belonging to a larger Church community, encouraging them to live out their faith not only within the school but also in their everyday lives.

Through the celebration of Mass, pupils learn the importance of worship, gratitude, and reverence, and they are taught to recognise the significance of Christ’s presence in their lives. This regular practice strengthens the Catholic identity of the school, fostering an environment where faith is lived out, shared, and passed on.


Whole School Mass and Class Families celebrating Mass together:

Celebrating Mass both as a whole school community and within smaller class families creates a powerful dynamic that strengthens our faith in complementary ways.


When the entire school comes together for Mass, there is a profound sense of unity, as staff, pupils and their families unite in worship and prayer, deepening the collective bond within the broader school and parish community. It reminds everyone that we are part of the larger Church and that our faith connects and unites us all. We come together at different times across the year; the start of the year, special feast days, during Advent and Lent and to celebrate the end of the year sending our Year 6 pupils off to high school with the love from the whole community. 


When Mass is celebrated within smaller class families, it provides a more intimate and personal experience, allowing pupils to reflect on their own relationship with God and to engage in the liturgy with greater focus and participation. The smaller setting also fosters a deeper sense of community and belonging within each class, encouraging pupils to support one another in their spiritual journey. We celebrate these special class family Masses every fortnight in Saint Patrick's Church, where a younger class may be invited to join and the families of the pupils are also warmly invited. 

It is wonderful to have members of the wider school family - our parents and parishioners joining us also.

Together, these two experiences—shared worship with the whole school and more personal moments within class families—help nurture both individual and communal faith, allowing both staff and pupils to grow in their relationship with God while also strengthening the bonds of love and support within our school community.