St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy

Our Smile Squad

Our Smile Squad is made up of two members from each class who have taken on the role of supporting their classmates and others around school with their mental health and wellbeing. The Smile Squad meet on a monthly basis and some of their responsibilities and upcoming projects are outlined below:

  • Supporting classmates and others around school with their mental health and wellbeing by being approachable, a good listener and a friend to all.
  • Promote wellbeing and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Developing a ‘Buddy Bench’ for the playground to offer support when people need a friend.
  • Helping develop the school environment by creating displays, special areas, or calm places within the school.
  • Running mindfulness lunchtime clubs, including activities likes board games, colouring and reading.
  • Promote special days or events that have a focus on wellbeing, for example: Children’s Mental Health Week and Anti-Bullying Week.
  • Raise money for mental health charities.
  • Creating a Wellbeing part of the school newsletter that focusses on ways to support wellbeing.
  • Supporting and promoting the use of the Zones of Regulation within the classroom.
  • Providing each class with weekly wellbeing quotes.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Week 7th February 2022

As part of Mental Health and Wellbeing Week, the Smile Squad took part in delivering our assembly. The Smile Squad then met with the our local police officers who came into to talk to use about being keeping safe and their job in our community. We also had the chance to meet with the Deputy Mayor.



We had so much fun completing wellbeing activities this week!


Mental Health and Wellbeing Week 6th February 2023

 This year our theme for Mental Health and Wellbeing was 'Connect.' We talked about connecting to others and how important it is to talk to others. 

The Smile Squad led an assembly with Miss Wolanski and shared different ways to promote positive mental health.

As part of this week, each class had a 'wellbeing afternoon' of their choice. Our children took part in baking, mindfulness colouring, making clay pots, arts and craft activities and many more activities throughout the week.

The whole school also shared a lovely experience, performing a dance together for the parents.


Meet the team!

Smile Squad 2022!

Smile Squad 2023!

You will find our Smile Squad members around school with yellow smiley face badges!

Smile Squad/ Happiness Heroes 2024!

Wellbeing quotes!

One of our jobs is to spread positive messages around school!

Each week, a Smile Squad member sends each class and member of staff a well-being quote to put in their special yellow frames.

We love spreading positivity!

Anti-Bullying Week November 2022

Some of our members of our team helped Mrs Moulding this week, along with our Digital Leaders, to lead an assembly based on Anti-Bullying.

We talked about all of the different people we can turn to and talk to.

Kindness Disco 2023

As part of Mental Health Week, the Smile Squad designed tickets for our Kindness Disco.


June 2023 

Our Smile Squad had some very special training from the MHST team on Mental Health. The team were very impressed with the Smile Squad's knowledge of Mental Health. They have been given packs to work on so that they can educate others around them and in their class.

June 2023

The Smile Squad worked with two Artists to brainstorm ideas to help the Artists design the new Smile Squad area and bench.

October 2023 Smile Squad Training

The Kirklees Keep in Mind team have been in to train our new Smile Squad members. We talked about why Mental Health is important and how to maintain positive Mental Health. We are looking forward to working through our booklets and sharing new ideas with our classes.

October 2024 Smile Squad Training

2024 My Happy Mind Christmas Competition Runners Up!

Children's Mental Health Week 2025

Some of the members of our Smile Squad helped Miss Wolanski to lead an assembly during Children's Mental Health Week. During this week, each class took part in a special activity, focussing on Mental Health. During Mental Health Week, the theme of 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself' was the focus throughout the week.