St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy


Following the vision and guidance of Bishop Marcus, the preparation for the sacrament of reconciliation at St Patrick's will be using ‘family catechesis’, where children must attend one session with their parent / carer after school and two sessions will be completed in school. A catechist will lead the sessions and guide the pupils and their families through the materials, this allows parents/carers and children to grow in faith together.

We recognise that parents are the natural educators of faith to their children, and their example in leading the Christian life is so important,

“…it is almost impossible to provide an adequate substitute” for them (parents) as teachers. (CCC,2221)

The sacrament of reconciliation will be celebrated on Thursday 27th March 2025 during the school day, here at St Patrick’s Academy in our beautiful Prayer Room. Father Eamonn will celebrate the sacrament with the pupils and they will have a photo taken which will be printed for families to keep. 


There will be a Parent/Carer meeting at the start of the journey of preparation for the pupils - this will be on Thursday 16th January at 3:40pm in the classroom of Class 3EG.  

The pupils will be presented to St Patrick's parish on Saturday 25th January at 6pm Mass - it is hoped all pupils will attend Mass with their families.


There will be five sessions in preparation for the sacrament using the Diocese of Leeds preparation material. These will take place on a Wednesday afternoon led by Miss Gott (Class teacher and Deputy Head).

Celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation – Pupils first confession with Father Eamonn is on Thursday 27th March 2025 during the school day in our beautiful Prayer Room.