St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy

Sacrament of First Holy Communion 2024-2025

Following the vision and guidance of Bishop Marcus, the preparation for the sacrament of Holy Communion in May 2020 will be using ‘family catechesis’, where children must attend two sessions with their parent / carer after school and there will be some sessions completed in school with two sessions completed at home. A catechist will lead the sessions and guide everyone through the materials, this allows parents/carers and children to grow in faith together.

We recognise that parents are the natural educators of faith to their children, and their example in leading the Christian life is so important,

“…it is almost impossible to provide an adequate substitute” for them (parents) as teachers. (CCC,2221)

The sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated on Saturday 10th May 2025 at 11am at St Patrick’s Catholic Church in a special mass for our Year 4 pupils and their friends and family. Once we know the number of pupils who will be celebrating we can inform you of the numbers of friends and family that will be allocated a bench.  


There will be seven sessions of preparation for the sacrament, these will be started in school with some tasks linked to each session to be completed with a parent at home. 


Pupils who are beginning the journey of preparation will be presented to the parish at St Patrick's church on TBC  - it is hoped that all pupils will attend with their families.

The dates for the preparation sessions are:

TBC later in the year....

We are planning for a rehearsal for the children in St Patrick’s Catholic Church - date TBC nearer the time