Our After-School Clubs 2024-2025
There is a small cost for booking a place at our after school clubs which are subsidised by our PE and Sports Premium funding. In booking a place an upfront cost for the set of sessions (usually 10 sessions - 1 a week across a term) must be paid and this is non - refundable.
Over the year different year groups will be able to access the range of after school clubs.
A letter will be sent out explaining what clubs are available and they can be booked by making the payment over Parent Pay and sending in a reply slip to the office. Once the club is full the option to pay will be removed.
The range of clubs offered are
Spring Term: (Starting week beginning 13th January until the week ending 28th March 2025)
Tuesday: Multi Skills KS1
Wednesday: Basketball and Netball Year 3 and Year 4 pupils
Thursday: Forest School for Year 5 and 6 pupils
Friday: Basketball and Netball Year 5 and 6 pupils
Cross Country for KS2 pupils at lunchtimes on a Wednesday and Thursday with Mrs Abbott.
Range of After School Clubs since 2021:
We ensure there is a range of different after school clubs held over the year, for different year groups from Year 1 to Year 6:
Football - for pupils across Year 1 to Year 6
Tag Rugby - for pupils across Year 1 to Year 6
Multi-skills - for pupils across Year 1 to Year 6
Computing club - for pupils across Year 1 to Year 6
Archery club: for pupils across Year 3 to Year 6
Fencing club: for pupils across Year 3 to Year 6
Dance club: for pupils across Year 3 to Year 6
Netball/Basketball: for pupils across Year 1 to Year 6
Forest School: for pupils across Year 1 to Year 6
STEM club:for pupils across Year 5 and Year 6
If you have ideas about a different after school club that we could offer, please contact the school office on 19924 423220 or office@stpatricksbirstall.co.uk