Our After-School Clubs 2024-2025
There is a small cost for booking a place at our after school clubs which are subsidised by our PE and Sports Premium funding. In booking a place an upfront cost for the set of sessions (usually 10 sessions - 1 a week across a term) must be paid and this is non - refundable.
Over the year different year groups will be able to access the range of after school clubs.
A letter will be sent out explaining what clubs are available and they can be booked by making the payment over Parent Pay and sending in a reply slip to the office. Once the club is full the option to pay will be removed.
The range of clubs offered are
Autumn Term: (Starting week beginning Monday 16th September and finishing Monday 2nd December)
Monday: STEM Club for Year 5 and 6 pupils
Tuesday: Football/Tag Rugby for Year 1 and 2 pupils
Wednesday: Football / Tag Rugby for Year 5 and 6 pupils
Thursday: Forest School for Year 3 and 4 pupils
Friday: Football/Tag Rugby for Year 3 and 4 pupils
Spring Term: (Starting Tuesday 14th January and finishing Friday 4th April)
Monday: ---
Tuesday: Multi-Skills for Year 1 and 2 pupils
Wednesday: Netball/Basketball for Year 5 and 6 pupils
Thursday: Forest School for Year 5 and 6 pupils
Friday: Netball/Basketball for Year 3 and 4 pupils
Cross Country for KS2 pupils at lunchtimes on a Wednesday and Thursday with Mrs Abbott.
Range of After School Clubs since 2021:
We ensure there is a range of different after school clubs held over the year, for different year groups from Year 1 to Year 6:
Football - for pupils across Year 1 to Year 6
Tag Rugby - for pupils across Year 1 to Year 6
Multi-skills - for pupils across Year 1 to Year 6
Computing club - for pupils across Year 1 to Year 6
Archery club: for pupils across Year 3 to Year 6
Fencing club: for pupils across Year 3 to Year 6
Dance club: for pupils across Year 3 to Year 6
Netball/Basketball: for pupils across Year 1 to Year 6
Forest School: for pupils across Year 1 to Year 6
STEM club:for pupils across Year 5 and Year 6
If you have ideas about a different after school club that we could offer, please contact the school office on 19924 423220 or office@stpatricksbirstall.co.uk
Whole School Puzzle Challenge Day:
On Monday 18th October we have arranged a whole school "Puzzle Challenge Day" event.
The aim of the day is to have fun as well as raise our pupils' own expectations of what they can achieve.
Our pupils will encounter a variety of challenges, most of which can be solved within a few minutes, but which require collaborative learning skills with a careful strategic planning in order to find a solution. If the temptation to give up starts to appear, the programme teaches pupils how to persevere, put their own skills to better use as part of a team and overcome difficulties by approaching problems from a different perspective.