St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy

School closures


Continuity of education for our children is vital and so every effort will be made to keep the school open throughout the year. However the school must consider the health and safety of the children and staff.

In the unlikely event that the decision is taken to close the school because of adverse weather conditions we will contact parents as outlined below.


1) As soon as a decision is taken to close the school, the Headteacher will contact Kirklees Council

who will inform the local press, radio and T.V. stations on our behalf.


2) We will then endeavour to;

- send you a message via text/e-mail/Xpressions

- place a notice on the school website.

- publicise the closure on the councils web-site at  


Note: Please do not confuse our school with St Patrick's Birkby (Huddersfield)


Snow falling through the day.

Sometimes we can experience heavy snowfall during the school day and if this is the case school will remain open until the end of the school day.

However if the weather is deteriorating rapidly we would allow parents to collect their children from school earlier.

(You may do this by signing them out at the main office.)

Naturally, children are excited by the prospect of snow and we would want them to experience and enjoy the snow safely with their friends.

We can only do this if the children are properly clothed for the weather and therefore wellies/boots, gloves, scarves and spare socks are essential.